Jannat Se Aagay

Actors: , ,


“Beyond the Horizon of Heaven” is a story about finding oneself and the consequences of putting others on a pedestal. It follows Jannat and Tabassum as they discover who they are and deal with their dreams. Tabassum is a kind young woman who helps her family and teaches local kids. She looks up to Jannat, a popular TV host, as her role model. Jannat seems perfect, but she’s actually struggling inside.

Jannat wonders if she can feel better about herself. Tabassum wants to be like Jannat but might lose her true self. Will Jannat find happiness inside? Can Tabassum learn to be herself and not just copy Jannat? The story shows if Tabassum realizes it’s important to be true to who she is, and not get lost in a perfect image of Jannat.

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